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Mijn Profiel
Since 30 years I have a practice oriented towards coaching people individually, in groups, and in organizations through self reflection and ( inter-) action. I inspire and support people to discover knowledge about themselves and the world that is surrounding them through personal and professional development.
Once when I still was young; it must have been 1978, I participated in a meditation course. This experience gave me a strong direction in my professional career. I became very interested in the research of the dynamic relationship between body and mind. So I studied Gestalt psychology and body oriented psychotherapy.
It was in 1984 that I met dr. Adeline Salomé Finkelstein who was a registered educator in several disciplines of individual and group psychotherapy. She had developed her own integrated approach. I studied and worked with her for 15 years. Especially I fell in love with how she worked with psychodrama, a friendly but very intense approach of personal and group development. I became registered as a Certified Practitioner and Trainer Educator of Psychodrama. Through the years I learned how to use the creativity of psychodrama in the fields of science, education, psychotherapy, management, and drama. From 1995 – 2005 I worked as a trainer and educator at the Twente School of Management where I taught in MBA programs personal skills, development of learning cultures, group dynamics and leadership.
In 2000 together with my colleague Hannah Salomé I founded the Academy of Psychodrama and Group processes, where we developed psychodrama from being mainly an spontaneous form of theatre and effective group psychotherapy to a transdisciplinairy and narrative approach where psychology, sociology, philosophy, neurology and theater merge together in a creative process. We also develop programs for professionalization of small and big organizations. Execute small projects like coaching and team trainings and longer projects like competency implementation
Of special interest for me is the work of Stanley Greenspan, who was a professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics. A pioneer in embodied cognition and the idea that emotions are an important source of intelligence.
I am an educator at the RINO Nascholing en Opleiding GGZ in the Floorplay method in working with infants and young children who need special attention. This is based on the work of Stanley Greenspan and of Rick Solomon M.D. , who is a specialist for more than 15 years in working with children in the autistic spectrum.
I still have a practice in personal and professional development in Malden where I live with my family. This year I published my first book De psychodramaturg. H.E.L.D in denken met gevoel. In the end of this year I plan to publish my second book: De psychodramaturg. Mensen leven in rollen en wonen in verhalen. Besides that I am working on a scientific book: Zelf-Organisatie en Identiteit.
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